
Creating a Great First Impression

10 Lessons Easy

About This Course

In this lesson we are going to look at first impressions when meeting someone, but from a different perspective. I recently finished the book Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Graziosi and in it he talks about the people we surround ourselves with . . . in particular he looks at two types – battery chargers and battery drainers.

So what does this have to do with first impressions? In a previous podcast I talked about how to make a great first impression when meeting someone. . . you may recall that being positive and upbeat were a couple key things to be aware of.

Have you thought about how the person you meet projects either positive or negative vibs?  For example, you ask someone “How’s your day going?” and the person answers “I am having a tough day . . . I can’t wait til it is over. . . I can’t wait til the weekend.” What kind of person do you think this projects? Chances are, a battery drainer.

In contrast you ask some the same question and they respond, “fantastic, awesome, amazing, I am living the dream.” You can see this person will most likely be a battery charger.  Someone you would like to be around and whose energy is a positive in your life.

I can’t put it any simpler, if you want success, surround yourself with battery chargers, not battery drainers!

We all have battery drainers in our life, some who may be close friends, colleagues or family. While we can’t push away all battery drainers, you can deliberately surround yourself with battery charges.  The drainers will eventually drop out of your circle by themselves once they realize they don’t fit in.

Use this tip to identify positive people and build your inner circle with them. Make it a habit to grow your group deliberately with successful positive people.  How do you find these people? Read books on success, listen to podcasts, go where successful people are likely to be – such as at meetup groups, masterminds etc . . . or perhaps look into getting a business coach.

To recap, seek battery chargers, not drainers and start surrounding yourself with these positive people.

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Course Structure

Does Your Headshot Convey The Image You Are Trying to Put Forth?

info about headshot importants et tec tetcjekl

The Handshake

A few pointers on greeting someone with a firm handshake.

Your Attire

Quick tips on dressing for success in your profession.

Personal Hygiene Counts

Don't stink up the room! Take a minute to clean up your act :)

Being On Time

Punctuality is a matter of respect for the other person or people you are meeting with.  Don't take this one lightly!

Be Yourself

We all have a unique story to tell. Being genuine and not trying to be someone you are not is another key step in the first impression process.


Confidence can be described as a belief in yourself and your ability to succeed. The trick is to present yourself so you come across somewhere between extremely confident or cocky and not confident at all.

Be Prepared

As the Boy Scout's motto states, "Be Prepared".  What does preparation have to do with creating a great first impression? Read this quick lesson to find out.

Be Responsive

Response expectation is the pre-determined response time your clients, prospects or new business connections have in-mind when you have promised to deliver something to them. So what can we do to help set realistic expectation in the area of response? In this lesson we share three quick tips for you.

Be Selective In Who You "Hang Out With"

In this lesson we talk about the two types of people out there and how to identify them. You want to surround yourself with battery chargers not battery drainers.
