Tip Sheets Build Community Trust.
Digital "Tip Sheets" offer citizens a quick and easy way to protect themselves and stay safe in a variety of areas. They also build community trust between law enforcement/public safety agencies and local citizens.

Why work with us
Since 2014 we have provided thousands of custom-designed digital business cards and ebrochures to businesses and entrepreneurs. In late 2020 we expanded our offerings into the victim rights and peer support/wellness areas and now we are offering Digital Tip Sheets.
By the way, we also have retired and active family members serving in law enforcement.
Why Use Tip Sheets?
By offering your community members Tip Sheets on subjects like theft/burglary, child safety, gun safety, hiking safety you are providing them a valuable resource. Let's face it, people are on their phones (actually hand-held computers) for hours a day. They use them to pay bills, connect on social media, play games and much more. . . so having a helpful Tips Sheet on the home screen of their phone falls right into place. . . and positions your agency as a resource in the community.

This is an actual Tip Sheet we did for one of our agencies. The good news is we do all the work for you. We provide the base content for the sheet and then you can review it and add to or edit it as you see fit.

We make promoting your Tip Sheet(s) easy by providing you a 11" x 14" Flyer/Poster that you can have printed and distributed throughout your community. Citizens then can simply scan the QR code and load the sheet to their phones.
Always Available - Mobile Friendly
Citizens have easy and immediate access to the valuable safety information whenever they need it. An icon to access the information sits discretely on the home screen of their smartphone - similar to an app but no app is required. This means they always have access.
Easy To Share
Your can share your Tip Sheet(s) with citizens via text, email or QR code.
Custom-Designed for Your Agency and Personnel
Each Tip Sheet is custom-designed with the content (we provide the base content) and images that reflect favorably on your agency.
Options for Video and Feedback
At no extra cost we can include a video from your agency on the Tip Sheet. Get feedback from citizens by linking to a feedback form or survey.
Environmentally Friendly | Save $$
Reduce or eliminate printed brochures and save money.
What is Your Investment?
Our pricing is based on a number of factors so we suggest setting up a Discovery Call so we can better understand your needs and how we can assist. Our fee structure includes a one-time design and set up fee, plus an annual subscription fee per card. We do all the work as well host, manage and publish all your cards. We can tell you most cards are only a couple hundred dollars per year or less.
Let's Chat. . . Set Up a Discovery Call!
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Visible Digital Solutions LLC.
All Rights Reserved