Critical Contacts and Resources In the Palm of Their Hands.

Custom Peer Support Cards for First Responders, Public Safety & Healthcare Professionals!

Hot Links:  Video  |   Why This Solution   |    Sample Cards   |   What's Included

Peer Support Care Cards

EXTREMELY AFFORDABLE: Typically ranging from $549 to $1,499 per year based on your department size (plus one time set-up fee).


Sometimes, the best support can come from those who understand exactly what you're going through. Peer support programs for law enforcement personnel offer a safe space for officers to share their experiences, seek advice, and lean on each other for support. These programs are invaluable in helping officers deal with the unique challenges they face on the job. Additionally, resources such as confidential helplines and counseling services can provide officers with the professional support they need to address issues they deal with everyday. 

With Peer Support Care Cards, You Can Make Sure Employees and their Family Members have 365/24/7 Confidential and Anonymous access to the mental health and wellness tools, resources and contact information they may need!

All the resources in one place in the palm of their hand. . . with easy access to items such as:

  • Videos
  • Local Health and Well-being Professionals
  • Peer Support Team Members
  • National and International Support Resources
  • Links to key information and anything else you wish to provide.
  • 1-Touch Calling for assistance! No Phone Numbers to dial.
  • The most up-to-date information as everyone who has a card Will Always Have The Latest Version!

Custom Designed to your agency's look and feel. . . you provide your local information as well as any other resources you would like to include and we do the rest! At a price that is super affordable for any agency (we have family & friends in law enforcement, public safety and healthcare and wish to help out as best we can)! In fact, bundle your Peer Support Care Card with an eVAC Victim Rights Card  and save even more!  Ask us how >

With an icon on the home screen of their smartphone, employees and family members will have one-touch access to critical information. . . Yep, in the palm of their hand! 

Police Magazine Sept 2022

A Few Of Our Partner Agencies

Scan the QR Code to view a client's actual card or tap this link while on your phone.

Peer Support Care Cards may be eligible for a law enforcement or public safety grant.

Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act (LEMHWA) Program

Why Would Your Agency Need This Solution?

It's Always Available*

Employees and their family members will have easy and immediate access to the information whenever they need it. An icon to access the information sits discretely on the home screen of their smartphone - similar to an App. This means no misplacing or throwing away of printed materials.

Easy To Share

Your Peer Support Team can share the Peer Support Care Cards  via text, email or QR code.

Instant Updates - No Waiting

If information changes, card updates are available instantly to everyone who has your the card. No waiting on new printed information.


Because the Peer Support Care Card is not an app, it does not gather user information or require users to sign up for an account .

Access To Report Data/Usage

Card usage is tracked anonymously to provide you a snapshot of the number of times your card is loaded to a device and how many time it has been viewed.

Environmentally Friendly / Save Money

Reduce or eliminate printed brochures. Less waste and save funds on printed brochures.

* An Wi-Fi  internet or cellular connection is required to access the card.

What's Included With Our Program?

Design and Set Up

Designed to be viewed on mobile devices. We start with a blank canvas and design your Peer Support Care Cards to meets your design and information standards. We do all the work and get you set up in no time.

Safe, Reliable Hosting

Hosting, management and publishing of your cards is handled by us, which means you don't have to worry about the technical stuff.

Training & Support

Our team will work with your team to make sure everyone understands how to share their Peer Support Care Card and if any issues or questions arise, we are here to assist you.

Unlimited Updates

Change happens. We will handle any updates to make sure the latest information is always available to your employees and their family members.

Contact Us to Discuss Your Needs.

Complete the form below or click here > Schedule a Discovery Call.

Please Select One
  • eVAC
  • Peer Support Care Card
  • Unity Cards
  • Tip Sheets
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Have Questions? Give Us A Call at 303-346-9001

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