
Be Prepared

Lesson 8

Whether you are attending a national conference or a local meet-up networking luncheon, being prepared can go a long way toward not only making a great first impression, but making your attendance at these events much more productive.

What do I mean when I say be prepared and why bother? Chances are your competition is not preparing for these meetings, so right out the gate you are getting a leg up on your competition. So step one is to identify who will be attending the event. Most conferences provide attendees a roster of people who will be attending. Also, if you attend a meet-up group function the attendees are listed right on the event’s meet-up page. If neither of these options exist, why not reach out to the meeting organizer and see who will be in attendance.

Once you have identified a handful of people you would like to connect with, do some research on them. LinkedIn and Google are great resources for gathering background information.  Don’t just look at their professional activities and position, also look for hobbies and interests (that you may have in common and can talk about).

When the day comes for your event, plan to arrive early. In my guide “Business Networking Best Practices” I talk about the importance of being on time and getting a lay of the land so to speak.  Also, if the event is fairly small, by arriving early you may have a chance to meet the organizer of the event.  He/she is a great person to know and may connect you with some of the folks you have on your list!
