
Be Yourself

Lesson 6

We all have a unique story to tell. So, when you meet someone at a networking event or meeting and it is your turn to share who you are and what you do, be yourself and tell your story, not a story you think they want to hear. Whether you use your canned :30 Elevator Intro or something else, it is important to come across as genuine and passionate about what you do. Remember to be upbeat and enthusiastic!

After-all, enthusiasm is contagious. Be upbeat and passionate about both your business and what the person you are talking to does. Be positive and avoid negatives as they turn off people and reflect poorly upon you. Also, avoid talking negatively about others. . . don’t get caught up in gossip!

Be Present and Make Them Feel Special

Being present means focusing on the person you are engaged with and avoiding all other distractions such as looking away to find your next target. Body language is also important. The best way to naturally maintain good body language is by listening. Smile, stand up tall, nod your head to show you are listening and maintain eye contact at all times.

Next, Be a Connector/Giver and Find Mutual Benefits

Be open-minded and curious about the mutual benefits of helping each other out. Think outside the box to find ways to connect the person you are talking with to someone you may know or someone you know who knows someone (wow say that three times fast).

Be a giver first. Don’t chase connections, let them come to you. Remember that the person you are talking to has their own network of contacts. These are the people you potentially could do business with, but first you need to establish trust with your new contact before they will open up their network to you. One of the best ways to establish trust is to offer them something and then FOLLOW THROUGH on that offer. It can be as simple as sending them a link to an article on a topic you discussed and promised to forward to them. Another way is to introduce the person to someone you know while at the current event.

What You Don’t Want to Do is Pitch Someone when your first meet them.

Don’t be that person who shows up at a networking event and tries to sell their product or service to everyone and anyone who will listen. This is the fastest way to turn-off people and get a reputation that will have people avoiding you. You want people to be attracted to you and not running away. Networking events are the first step in getting someone to know, like and trust you so a long-term mutually beneficial relationship can develop.

To recap, If you believe in yourself and appear confident, enthusiastic and are present showing genuine interested in the other person, then you will make a great first impression. By being a connector or giver first and not pitching your wares, you will score even more points towards making that great first impression. Again, be positive and upbeat. If you have negative “energy” or speak negatively about others it will reflect poorly upon you.  By being yourself in a calm and confident manner and following these tips you are sure to create a great first impression.
