February 5

Self CPR

Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash.com

Do You Need A Little Self CPR

Click the audio file above to listen to our podcast, or read the post below.

In this episode, we share some advice on how to deal with those times self doubt and overwhelm try to derail you.

Do you ever find yourself in a funky mood. . . doubting what you are doing. . . feeling lost or overwhelmed? Need more business but everything seems to being going against you?

If you do, you are not alone. Many of us entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and small businesses have these feelings from time to time. It’s natural, after all, we are human right?

When you find yourself in this situation do what I do and try a little Self-CPR!

C - Confidence - Merriam Webster dictionary defines this as “a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances.”

Remind yourself that you are talented and know your business. You got this! You provide a valuable service to your clients and are worth every penny and then some, so don’t let temporary self-doubt make its way too deep into your head. Remain confident!

P - Passion - Merriam Webster dictionary defines this as “a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.”

Let your love for your work and the value you provide to your clients show. Wear it with pride and don’t hide the fact that you are passionate about what you do and who you serve. When you are truly passionate about something (your work in this case) it shows. People want to work with people who are passionate about their work. They can feel your energy.

R - Resilience - Merriam Webster dictionary defines this as “an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.”

Nearly all of the most successful business people site being resilient as the most important reason for their success. We all have been kicked in the gut, it’s not about who or what kicked you, it’s about how you respond that matters. If running a business was easy, everyone would be doing it.

You are one of the dreamers who sacrifices your time in exchange for the rewards (whatever they may be to you) that come from sticking it out and not letting anything hold you back. Just lost a sale….so what….figure out why, learn from it and move on to the next opportunity.

Two words that I put on my whiteboard many years ago are “STOP STOPPING.” We don’t know what is just around the corner. . . especially if we have been consistently doing the hard work it takes to maintain and grow a business. Stay resilient no matter what!

I hope this little summary has been helpful. . . even if you are doing fine right now. . . when things get tough, remember CPR!

Having read this you are now Self-CPR certified!


Barry "Custom-Designed Digital Business Card" Donovan


Self Help, Social Media

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