January 6

8 Simple Actions To Boost Self-Confidence

8 Simple Actions to Boost Self-Confidence

Who couldn’t use a little more self-confidence? Self-confidence can often be in short supply, but there are many ways you can get it back. When your self-confidence is lacking, take control of the situation and make yourself confident again. You can accomplish a lot more with self-confidence than you can without.

Confidence can be described as a belief in yourself and your ability to succeed. The trick is to present yourself, so you come across somewhere between extremely confident or cocky and not confident at all.

So, what does confidence have to do with First Impressions? Well, according to Amy Cuddy, Harvard Business School social psychologist, who has extensively studied first impressions, her research shows that two traits alone account for 80 to 90 percent of first impressions. . . take a guess what those traits are. . . yep. . . trustworthiness and confidence!

Self-confidence is extremely important in both our personal and business lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Unfortunately, people who lack self-confidence can find it difficult to become successful.

Once you know how to create confidence, you become a powerful person.

So, what can we do to increase our self-confidence?

Self-confidence is yours for the taking:

  1. Make a short to-do list and accomplish it. Many experts advocate starting with the toughest task first, but if your self-confidence is in the basement, this might not be the best option. Try doing a few of the easier tasks first. Show yourself that you can be productive and successful.

Each time you make a plan and execute it, you have more confidence in yourself. It doesn't matter whether it’s following through on your plan to go to the gym or to clean out your sock drawer. Make a to-do list and get it done.

  1. This one there are two schools of thought on… Keep your biggest goals to yourself. Some “experts” say revealing your big goals to others can be enough to make you consider quitting. You could be on the receiving end of a lot of negative comments that will make you question yourself and your goals. By eliminating the negativity, you are in some way increasing your confidence. Other experts say make your goals public so those in your circle can hold you accountable. You know yourself best, decide which direction you think will work best for you in regard to exposing your goals and run with it.

  2. Improve your posture. How you use your body affects how you feel. If you sit and stand tall, you’ll feel more confident. Think about someone you know that always seems to be confident. Notice how they move. Try to mimic their movements and posture. Notice how much more confident you feel.

Movies can be a great source of inspiration. Think of a confident movie character and watch how they use their body. Practice standing, sitting, and moving the same way.

  1. List all your positive qualities. There are plenty of things you can admire about yourself. Even if you have to call your mom for inspiration, make a list of all your positive qualities. It won’t take long before you feel a little confidence welling up inside of you. Keep the list handy for future reference.

  2. List all your past accomplishments. Take a stroll down memory lane and relive your past accomplishments. It’s easy to feel confident when you recall those times you were at your best.

  3. Remove those things from your life you’ve been tolerating. We tolerate too much. Get the riff-raff out of your life. This includes people, items you no longer need, the rattling muffler on your car, and everything else that annoys you.

Tell yourself that you deserve better and then make it happen.

  1. Do something you’re good at. What are you good at? Whatever it is, you feel better after doing it. Try to spend time each day doing something that you know you’re great at. Your self-confidence will increase.

  2. Exercise. Exercise provides more than just health benefits. It boosts your willpower, stamina, and self-belief. Exercise also reduces anxiety. All of these things can’t help but boost your self-confidence, too. It’s important to try to get at least a little exercise each day. I find when I don’t get out for my daily walk I am less productive and just a bit sluggish.

It’s probably not possible to feel confident 100% of the time, but you can come a lot closer than you think. Even in challenging circumstances, you are the same. Self-confidence is always right there, you just have to see it. These simple actions are an easy way to find the self-confidence you may have temporarily misplaced.

Listen to our podcast or read the blog we did on First Impressions and Confidence here to see how you can present yourself in a more confident manner!


Barry "Custom-Designed Digital Business Card" Donovan


custom designed digital business cards, digital business cards, First Impressions, Success Habits

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